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Our mission: minimizing the risks associated to the business activities increasing profits and marginality optimizing productivity legal and tax assistance acquiring new customers: market consolidation on which the Com-pany already operates and / or positioning the Company into new, do-mestic and foreign, markets Edos & Edmos offers business strategies to assist the Companies for their needs, from the drowning up   of business  plans to the implemen-tation of any industrial plan.  Within  tailored advise the high skilled team of experts works side-by-side the already trusted advisors, managers or  to the corporate manage-ment, or in outsourcing.  Edos & Edmos also proposes virtual office ser-vices to reduce operating costs of set up and/or penetration into  domestic and international new markets. The virtual offices are business center where Companies and professionals  get together to create strategic synergies.  Our activities of business scouting (market-research solutions, market analysis, search of in-vestment opportunities  abroad), advisory (advice and assistance for investment in Italy and abroad) and procurement (consulting and  research for business opportunities or contracts) allow us to have the right solution for each request. 
The quality of service and customer satisfac-tion are  the primary targets  that characterize the Edos & Edmos' mission: they are the strengths that  give the incentive to be always updated to   face the challenges of Companies in the global market. 
Home Services Virtual Offices Contacts Problem-solving Project & temporary management Increasing profits and marginality Corporate Restructuring Budget Analysis Business Administration Control Business Financing Procurement Public Procurement - Bids and Tenders Productivity Optimization Human Resource Management Analysis of Production Processes IT  and Information Systems Certification Processes Acquisition Of New Clients Marketing Communication Internationalization Foreign Investments Abroad Real Estate Investments Tax Assistance Legal Assistance D.Lgs. 231/2001 Model 231 Data Protection Safety Services